Senin, 08 Mei 2017

1.  Topic for meeting 11 is Journal
2.  You may read from, or other sources that you find
3. After you read, write the report as the followings,
Day 1
Date :

First Title



Research question (s)

Research procedure

Result/ Findings


The amount of paragraphs

What makes you interested in this journal

Comment after reading

New Vocabularies found


Write imaginary day with the person discussed in the classroom

Why are you interested in this person?

Minggu, 16 April 2017


Dear students,
Please complete the following survey to help me with a more effective course in the future. Thank you for your help.

Answer the questions below on your own
1.    Do you like reading in English?Why/Why not?
2. Looking back at your childhood, what do you remember as your first reading experiences?
3. Do you remember having books or other materials read to you as a child? If so, what did you like best?
4. When you were able to read on your own, what did you enjoy reading?
5. What kind of reading is important in your life today? For example, do you read a lot for school or for your job?
6. About how many hours a week do you usually read materials of your own choice (magazines, newspapers, novels, facebook/twitter status, nonfiction)?
7. Do you have a favorite writer in your first language? A favorite book?
8. What books have you read in English?
9. If you could easily read anything in English, what would you like to read?

___ short stories
___ science fiction
___ comic books
___ novels
___ biographies
___ adventures
___ detective stories
___ poetry
___ daily newspapers
___ sports newspapers
___  magazines
10. Why do you like reading?
___ for pleasure                ___  when I have to 
 ___ for information         ___for language development
11. You choose a book because….
___of the title
___ of the illustrations
___of the cover
___of the author
___ of the subject
___someone advised me to
___ I saw a film based on it
12.    Before reading ….
___read the front / back cover     ___ look at the illustrations    ___ I make predictions  
___read the end

13. While reading
___ read the whole book
___only read the passages/ chapters I like I try to get the gist of the story
___ underline
___take notes
___ summarise parts of the story
___ give up
14. After reading
___  reread
___ think about the book I’ve read
___discuss the book with someone else
___ retell the story
___ nothing
___ I write a book review

Choose true or false based on your condition
1. I have a blog before extensive reading course
2. I make a blog after extensive reading course
3. I usually use and visit my blog at least once a week (before extensive reading program)
4. I usually check my instructor’s blog
5. I usually do my extensive reading assignment in time
6. I usually visit my friend’s blog
7. I usually give comment on my friend’s blog
8. I usually read more than 1 hour a day and report it in my log in blog
9. I usually do pre-reading activities (predicting/guessing) before reading the text
10. I usually reread the text after reading the end of the story/text
11. I usually decide the book I am going to read by my self
12. I usually decide to read the story based on my friend’s suggestion

Y     N
Y     N
Y     N
Y     N
Y     N
Y     N
Y     N
Y     N
Y     N
Y     N
Y     N
Y     N
Choose agree or disagree from the following statements!
1. I like reporting reading log using blog
2. I like reporting reading log using paper
3. I like making written report using blog
4. I like reading instruction’s guidelines from blog
5. I like reading instruction’s guidelines from paper
6. Blog can improve my reading skill
7. Blog can help me to read faster
8. Blog motivates me to read
9. Blog can improves my creativity
10.Blog can help me to do collaboration with my friends
11.Blog can encourage learner’s autonomy
12. Blog can encourage critical analysis
13.Blog provide an environment for increasing reading and writing
14. blog can support extensive reading activities
15. I am more confident communication through blog than face to face communication
16. Program and activities made by my instructor in this course is easy to understand
17. Program and activities made by my instructor in this course is interesting
18. Program and activities made by my instructor in this course is useful for increasing my reading speed
17. Program and activities made by my instructor in this course is useful for increasing my reading habit
18. Program and activities made by my instructor in this course have made me more confident readers in english
A     D
A     D
A     D
A     D
A     D
A     D
A     D
A     D
A     D
A     D
A     D
A     D
A     D
A     D
A     D
A     D
A     D
A     D

A     D

A     D

Choose like or dislike from the activities provided in extensive reading
1. Reading Log
2. give comment to the story
3. write a letter to a character on the story
4. retell the story/news/article
5. write imaginary day with the character on the story
6. make a poster for the story
7. write different ending/beginning of the story
8. continue the story
9. make a poem based on the story
10. make a poem for one character on the story
11. read against the clock
12. race read with your partner
13. write a diary for one character on the story
14.make a map of the places on the story
15.make a character review
L    D
L    D
L    D
L    D
L    D
L    D
L    D
L    D
L    D
L    D
L    D
L    D
L    D
L    D
L    D

If you have idea for the activity, write it

Please rank the following items from number 1 to 6 depending on their significance to a successful extensive reading program.
_____ Text difficulty (vocabulary, syntactic complexity)
_____ Peer cooperation (group work, discussions, presentation)
_____ Materials selection (i.e. genres)
_____ Teacher’s roles (i.e. explanation, help)
_____ Self-selecting reading materials
_____ Classroom activities

Please rank the following items from number 1 to 7 depending on your preference.
_____ Summary writing
_____ Student-student cooperation
_____ Q &A
_____ Teacher-student conference
_____ Personal reflections
_____ On-line sharing
_____ Oral presentation

Do you have any difficulties when reading extensively? Why do you rank certain item as top one, or two, but other as the last? Please write your reasons for the ranking.